Okay, it’s official for those who caught this on the web days ago. Bo, a Portuguese water dog and gift from Senator Edward Kennedy (who owns a few), is to be the Obama family’s dog inside the White House. Bo hails from a kennel in Texas – a return. Oops was that from the unofficial firstdogcharlie.com website? Bo was front-page news (above the fold) in today’s Washington Post. You’d think the Post would have better things to put on the front page like….
The Third annual Washington Post Peeps Show Contest!!!
Finally someone’s come up with something to do with these little sugar critters. I would just let them melt in the bottom of my Easter basket. Happy Easter!
PEEP SHOW: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2009/04/10/GA2009041001969.html
Update: (photo) The winning Peeps diorama is by Melissa Harvey of Arlington. “Night Peeps” is inspired by Edward Hopper’s (get it? “Hopper”) “Nighthawks.”