Obama-Biden rally at 3 PM EST on www.barackobama.com.
One VP pick down. One to go.
See you in Denver!
YouTube video of the Springfield rally today (Sat., 8/23):
Culture. Is. Power.
Obama-Biden rally at 3 PM EST on www.barackobama.com.
One VP pick down. One to go.
See you in Denver!
YouTube video of the Springfield rally today (Sat., 8/23):
With all the politico babble about the upcoming DNC convention, VP suspense, what the Clintons will (or will not) do for the Obama campaign, I’ve created my fantasy scenario. What say we get all those delegates, politicos, and the like up on the convention floor for some line dancing. Can you imagine? Thousands of people in perfect unison. Who goes in the middle? Step to the left, to the left, to the left. Step to the right, to the right, to the right. Now kick, kick, kick.
Line dancing just feels right when you’re all in step. It feels good! This summer I realized how out of touch I’ve been when I went to a block party in the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, DC. I was invited by Brian Williams, founder of the dance group Step Afrika!, a professional dance company dedicated to stepping. Stepping is a dance tradition created by African American college students. Step Afrika! has travelled internationally as US cultural ambassadors. More on Step Afrika! in a future entry.
Now this block party was just folks having a good time. It didn’t matter who you were, what your busines was, or your connections, at the block party everybody’s grilling and hanging back. At least three tables were set up for the fellas to get into their card and domino games. At the end of the block, was the inflated bouncer for the kids. Grills were flipping hamburgers, hot dogs and ribs. The newcomers on the block made pasta salad and ribs. All cars were moved off the street so the block was wide open for riding bikes, skating, and line dancing.
The Cupid Shuffle, the Chinese Checkers, the Cha-Cha Slide. You mean the Electric Slide is out!? Brian reminded me these dances have been out for at least three years. Gee, I am really out of touch. As for steppers, Brian pointed out recently:
We have tons of them..they are called, in black Greek culture, PARTY WALKS, HOPS OR STROLLS.
For me, the block party was a happy reminder of how party unity is possible with a few steps, kicks and a slide. Can you put that on the platform? I found this video on YouTube courtesy of Step in the Name of Life, based in Miami, FL. Their goal on their website is to fight High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, & more within our on communities. Now that’s incentive.
BTW the music AND dance is by Cupid aka Bryson Bernard, 24, of West Lafayette, LA. (Atlantic Records 2007)
I’ve been turning this over-and-over in my head. What do I come out of the gate with on my first blog entry for Eclectique|916? Well first Welcome!
How did this happen? Last year around this time, I reviewed the September fashion magazines with an email essay to my friends and fam list. It wasn’t my first email essay, but it did prompt one friend to suggest starting a blog.
So I’ll pick up where I left off on that last essay. I’ve already flipped through the 2008 September Vogue (eh!); Town and Country still has the best horoscopes; Bazaar and InStyle haven’t shown up on the magazine racks yet, and I did grab a hardcopy of the New York Times Sunday edition. Haven’t had a chance to read the articles in the Women’s Fall Fashion special. I got my Vanity Fair with Maureen Orth’s cover story on France’s first lady, Carla Bruni. I think there’s a first ladies theme going around this season. At least one of these door stoppers should keep me company on the plane ride to the DNC Convention in Denver.
When I tripped up on three Muslim Fashion videos on WashingtonPost.com, I said “Hold the phone!” Yes. Muslim Fashion. I don’t know if I should follow that up with an exclamation point or question mark. Or maybe add that punctuation to follow WashingtonPost.com(!?) The source itself is even more astounding to me.
Of course, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Small Biz, a bi-monthly publication of BusinessWeek, highlighted Tayyibah Taylor of Atlanta Georgia, founder and editor-in-chief Azizah, a magazine for Muslim American women.
WaPo.com’s Sabrina Enayatulla lines up three videos with tips for Muslim women on how to style your hijab for day and night. I’ve posted them below. Our resident good taste expert a la Tim Gunn is Hadya Mubarak, a native of Florida, wife, mother, and a Ph.D. candidate at Georgetown University. I met Hadya two years ago when she agreed to be our “Muslim expert” for a Community Cinema screening of a documentary called “Shadya.” She was recommended to me by KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, a local non-profit. She lives up to all the high praise.
Check out these videos. Each is about 3:15 in length. Of course there are those pesky commercials to pay for the server space and production crew.
Gotta give kudos to WashingtonPost.com. Good taste in fashion is next to godliness.