Now in the past, Presidents and Congresses of both parties have treated unemployment insurance for what it is – an emergency expenditure. That’s because an economic disaster can devastate families and communities just as surely as a flood or tornado.

Suddenly, Republican leaders want to change that. They say we shouldn’t provide unemployment insurance because it costs money. So after years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit, including a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, they’ve finally decided to make their stand on the backs of the unemployed. They’ve got no problem spending money on tax breaks for folks at the top who don’t need them and didn’t even ask for them; but they object to helping folks laid off in this recession who really do need help. And every day this goes on, another 50,000 Americans lose that badly needed lifeline.

— President Barack Obama

I have a warning for Republicans: Don’t underestimate Barack Obama.

— Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, July 16, 2010

Before leaving for a weekend retreat with the family, the President dropped a political message calling out Republicans for “filibustering recovery and obstructing progress.”

Transcript here.